Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's always about praxis

The most concrete and goal-orientated thing about the Occupy Syracuse movement occurred in the early hours of this morning-- when Syracuse police cleared the camp.

What could have been a positive force for giving voice to pressing social issues will now devolve into really sad squabbling over trying to be allowed to camp at Perseverance Park again. More time and effort will probably be expended on fighting over a 1st Amendment Right issue than was ever used for addressing  things like Syracuse's housing and food security issues.

If we are going to have a mass movement to protest economic injustice that involves camping in public places, at least invite homeless people to stay in the camp. Or instead of just talking about problems and only having rallies, actively address one of the myriad of problems here in Syracuse.

Now that the camp is gone, how about occupying one of the hundred abandoned buildings around here? That might highlight how silly it is that people have to worry about there not being any room for them in the local shelters.

Or how about putting together a fund to pay for security deposits and first month's rent for people who are about to be evicted?

How about doing sit-ins at liquor stores and bodegas in areas of town where there are no accessible/conveniently placed grocery stores?

What has Occupy Syracuse really done for the victims of economic injustice in Syracuse?

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